Proudly serving Commercial Establishments in NJ, NY, CT and PA since 1954

How To Prepare Your HVAC System For The Summer

How To Prepare Your HVAC System For The Summer


Get Your HVAC System Ready For The Summer Heat!

Summertime is finally here, and along with it come high temperatures. If you’re not careful, your HVAC system can be damaged by the summer heat, causing long-term damage as well as higher energy bills during the cooler months. In order to keep your system running smoothly and efficiently, follow these tips on how to prepare your HVAC system for the summer heat.

Keep Vent Covers On in Unused Rooms

If you have any rooms in your house that you don’t use very often, make sure to keep the vent covers on. This will help prevent dirt and debris from accumulating and ensure they run seamlessly the next time you use your system.

Stay On Top of Regular Maintenance

Spring is the perfect time to schedule annual maintenance for your HVAC system. Be sure to change your air filter, check the refrigerant levels, and have the coils cleaned. Consider having a professional come out to take a look at your system to ensure a job well done! This will help ensure that your system is running efficiently and can help prevent any future issues.

Clean Your Unit At Least Once Per Year

Don’t forget to give your unit a good cleaning at least once a year. This will help it run more efficiently and prevent problems down the road. Just be sure to turn off the power before you start cleaning. You’ll need to remove the fan blades and clean them with soap and water. Then, use a vacuum to clean out the inside of the unit. Be sure to also clean the outside coils.

Proudly Serving Businesses in New Jersey, New York, Connecticut and Pennsylvania for over 60 years

When you work with Chemiclene Environmental Maintenance Services, your safety is at the forefront of our mission. Our team members are trained and certified to provide excellence in service to all our clients across New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania. We have been providing high-quality services for over 60 years.

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